Sportearn Token
What is (Sportearn token)?
Sportearn token Governance Token is a governance token that gives its holders a right to vote on proposed changes to the Sportearn platform. The idea is that rather than a single person or group controlling the direction of a platform, a community of users can influence decisions in a process known as governance. The token is available on Binance Smart Chain.
What are the use cases of (Sportearn token)?
Sportearn token is a governance token that will be used by anyone who wants to take part in making decisions for adding new Sportearn blockchain features.
Holding Sportearn token will allow anyone to participate in the Sportearn Governance Portal. Sportearn token can be used as a payment on the Sportearn platform.
Paying with Sportearn token is the preferred token as it is a cheaper and discounted option.
Affiliates and rewards that will help in the further distribution of Sportearn token to more users.
Future plans for Sportearn Token are as follows:
Discounts on the game and NFT services.
Collectible Marketplace, anyone interested in trading, selling or buying digital collectibles can utilize the token in a user-friendly environment.
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