Revolutionizing the fitness. Earn NFTs and crypto tokens for staying fit.
Sportearn is a Web3 application that aims to take care of the users’ health. We are about to revolutionize home workout by using a combination of Blockchain technology - AR and AI.
Our ultimate goal is to create a healthier and happier planet. This is not just about motivating people to exercise, but helping people fall in love with sport and fitness and earn money by daily tasks.
To bring happiness to people, Sportearn is designed based on a troika: social networking, physical health and most importantly, extra income.
First, you mint a NFT in the form of the astronaut, then by doing activity tasks that you will get daily, you will earn in-game cryptocurrency, which can either be used for in-game activities or cashed out for profit.
Problem statement:
Everybody wants to be physically active and fit, but majority of us struggle to break out from a sedentary life, trying to be more active and fit.
And to solve this problem, there are hundreds of fitness apps in the app stores, each trying to solve fitness challenges once and for all. We’ve all personally tried at least tens of them if not more, however, for decades, the challenges with fitness still remain the same:
Lack of motivation/incentives
The motive of only being physically fit is not that strong enough. There is a huge gap between the motivation of working out and the amount of efforts required to actually work out.
It’s a lonely and boring activity
Human beings are a social species. It gets boring when doing something alone, especially workout.
It’s a lonely and boring activity
Our generation is used to instant gratification which is missing from the activity of working out.
Key features:
Anyone can use:
You don't have to understand NFTs or Crypto to get started. Burning those calories is all you need to know, to start using Sportearn.
Build a habit of working out:
Building a habit is hard, especially when it comes to your health. Using real money rewards and engaging gaming/social elements, Sportearn helps you become physically active and get fit.
Earn in Crypto/NFTs:
Earn in crypto tokens & upgrade your NFT value everyday simply by r working out.
Last updated